Our Connection to Salem Endoscopy

What is Salem Endoscopy?

Salem Endoscopy is an outpatient surgery center and the sister company of Salem Gastro. This facility allows for outpatient care in a comfortable setting. Salem Endoscopy is our preferred choice for your procedures because it offers easy access, electronic sharing of your health info for better quality care, and procedures performed by your consulting physician. Patients often find that Salem Endoscopy is less expensive than a hospital and results in less time in the surgery center and recovery.

How are Salem Gastro and Salem Endoscopy Related?

Both companies are shareholder and physician owned and operated.

Where do I go for what?

Visit the Salem Gastro clinic for your consultation and disease management treatments. You may be referred to a hospital or clinic from here for other services. The Salem Endoscopy surgery center is for procedures such as a colonoscopy, EGD, and bravo PH studies.

Do I Have to use Salem Endoscopy for my Procedures?

You may have your procedure done wherever you choose and are not required to use Salem Endoscopy. Salem Gastro consulting physicians offer you a choice of facilities by performing procedures at both Salem Endoscopy and Salem Hospital.